Underground Tank System Liner Exam
This certification requires that the applicant successfully pass an exam prior to certification. The applicant must obtain a score of at least 70% on an examination. The exam is open book and will cover:
  • ATCP 93 – Flammable, Combustible and Hazardous Liquids Code
  • ATCP 93– License, Certification and Registration
  • NFPA 30 – Flammable and Combustible Liquids Code
  • API 1631 – Interior Lining and Periodic Inspection of Underground Storage Tanks
  • API 2015 - Requirements for Safe Entry and Cleaning of Petroleum Storage Tanks

Please click "Book Exam Appointment" below to apply online for the exam online. If you would like to print instructions and a blank application to fill out and mail please click here.

Exam Materials:
For copies of current Wisconsin administrative code books visit the DATCP website: datcp.wi.gov/.
For NFPA materials contact the National Fire Protection Association by phone: (800) 344-3555.
For API materials contact the American Petroleum Institute at their website: http://www.api.org/publications-standards-and-statistics.

Exam Schedule:
Certification exams are offered every month in Milwaukee, and once every three months in Madison, Oshkosh, and La Crosse. The full exam schedule is available here.
  • A minimum of three testers is required in order for an exam to be held. If less than three testers apply, you will be contacted to reschedule for an alternate date/location.
  • Both paper and online exam applications and the applicable fee must be received by DATCP by the deadline indicated on the exam schedule.
  • You will receive a notification letter from DATCP approximately 7 days prior to the test date confirming your exam enrollment. This letter will provide the time, location, and any other applicable instructions. If you do not receive a letter, please contact us at (608) 224-4942.
  • Exams are proctored by UW Testing Services. DATCP staff are not onsite for the exam. You must communicate any requests or changes to DATCP prior to the exam date.
  • You must provide a photo ID to gain admittance to the examination.

If you have any questions, contact the Bureau of Weights and Measures at 608-224-4942 or by email at datcpweightsandmeasures@wi.gov.

Book Exam Appointment

Note: Your session will timeout after 10 minutes of inactivity and you may lose your work. Please set aside some uninterrupted time to complete the application.
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