Not-for-hire applicators are owners or employees who apply non-agricultural RESTRICTED USE pesticides to their own land or buildings.
If this is your first time applying for a pesticide applicator Not-For-Hire license, please start the process by clicking “Start New Application”. This will walk you through the licensing process step-by-step. Please note, due to renewals the “Start New Application” button will be disabled from Mid-October until February of each year. When the “Start New Application” button is disabled, new applicators will need to apply via the paper application which can be found
Learn how to re-apply for your existing license online in this video.
If you currently hold a license and are looking to renew your license, you should click “Re-apply for Existing License."
If you did not hold a license last year, but held a license previously, you will need to submit a paper application which can be found
If you require assistance, email
Authority: s. 94.704, Wis. Stats., ss. ATCP 29.25, Wis. Adm. Code
DARM-BACM-025w (rev 08/2024)
Personal information you provide may be used for purposes other than that for which it was originally collected (s. 15.04(1)(m), Wis. Stats.)
Start New Application
Note: Your session will timeout after 10 minutes of inactivity and you may lose your work. Please set aside some uninterrupted time to complete the application. |